Transforming my class

Transforming my class: course & tests

Teachers who want to transform their class will benefit from this step-by-step transformation guide.

Cycle 1 – differentiate

After having explained the transformation to the students, you start by differentiating the exercises: not all students train on the same difficulty level.

Cycle 2 – involve

You involve your student in co-ownership activities, such as the classroom rules design, a system of auctions for rewarding privileges, and more autonomy in the exercises.

Cycle 3 – organize

Your students make decisions for the class management (class meetings). You narrow your speech time. You delegate the correction of some assessments.

Cycle 4 – release

You insist on testable learning goals for your students and you release your control over how they learn.

Cycle 5 – open

Now, it is much easier for your class to welcome students from other classes, other years. It is easier for you to merge 2 classes from time to time and team with a colleague. 

Transforming my class – progress grid

The course for transforming your class has a companion: the progress grid. Each transformation cycle has 20 to 30 steps that you can tick on the grid.

The progress grid of the current cycle is typically displayed in the classroom. There are as many opportunities to celebrate progress as they are steps to tick on the grid.

progress grid 1
progress grid 1

Operating principles of a transformed class

How do I know if my class transformation is on the right path?

The steps of the course/grid are very detailed. Another way to check where you are going is to invite a colleague. What do adults say about a transformed class when visiting it?

This document summarized the visible features of the transformed class, as reported by many visitors with consistency.

Values of a transformed schools

Transforming a class has consequences on the way learners see the world.

We have identified 5 values ​​on which to insist with teachers and students to favour their change of posture, during the transition. These 5 values are easily remembered by students and be used on a daily basis as a guide, as common vocabulary with them.

  1. Excellence
  2. Instructive Mistake
  3. Empowerment
  4. Mutual Aid
  5. Kindness
progress grid 1

Objectives vs Activities

Effective objectives for the student are key for the responsibility switch. In a traditional setting, you are responsible of giving the information and the role of the student is to be present while not disturbing your course. After the transformation, you stop initiating giving and the student is responsible to take.

Designing effective objectives is difficult for many teachers. They usually design activities which are not objectives in their mindset. This document gathers examples and good practices to make effective course material.

Cycle 4 Implementation Guide

With this tutorial, you will be able to implement a lesson using the School Transformation Lab method. We assume that your class is ready for it and has succeeded cycles 1, 2 and 3 of the “Transforming my class – course/test & grid” documents. Now you start cycle 4.

In our experience, most teachers are more efficient in starting implementing the method when they get direct and clear instructions.

It is important to know that if you arrived here, you most likely want to enhance the motivation of your students, make them more independent, develop their 21st century skills and respect and value the differences present in your classroom.

progress grid 1

List of privileges to auction

Effective objectives for the student are key for the responsibility switch. In a traditional setting, you are responsible of giving the information and the role of the student is to be present while not disturbing your course. After the transformatiDuring cycle 2 of the transformation, we propose to put an auction system in place. You sell “privileges” to your students, such as sitting on your comfortable chair for the day or taking a 15’ nap. Students buy auctions with “gratification points” that you distribute to encourage desired behaviour.

Rewarding good behaviour seems to be an efficient step from punishment towards intrinsic motivation.

This document is an example of a list of privileges for sale. It might be a starting point for creating your own list with the students during a class meeting.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have you already started to implement the School Transformation Lab method in your class and/or your school? Have you started just now to discover and study the method? Are you already in an advanced phase of the transformation process?

The truth is that doubts may arise anytime. That is why we have prepared these frequently asked questions as to try to help to handle the potential uncertainties and questions that you may face during the transformation process.

“Doubts grow with knowledge”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

progress grid 1

“Doubts grow with knowledge”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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